"Parken im Pott“ is one of the largest and most up to date databases in the Ruhrgebiets-Area with brilliant extra features
More time for the good things in life Millions of cars, vacationer, commuter, shopper… tolling themselves through the "Pott“. After tons of traffic jams every horrific drive ends with searching for a parking spot. Latest at this point all the joyful anticipation is history. For that reason we developed "Parken im Pott“ for the stressed driver in the Ruhrgebiets-Area. Now you know already before you enter your car where- and how long you can park your car, if there is security for your car and how much you have to pay for it.
"Parken im Pott“ brings you not only to your parking lot, it is full of useful little helpers
With "Where did I park my car?“ you´ll gonna find your car easily both indoor and outdoor. With the stop watch you are always well informed how long your money for the parking lot lasts or when you have to leave the the lot. With the konfigarator you can limit your search parameter, with the camera you can make a photo and store it in the app and you make some notes about for example the numberplate of the car that parks next to you.
"V-Navi“ from Map and Route will navigate you to your parking lot, but you have to install it first.